
Getting Foxy with Fox(Interview)

Like heard/seen, Bill O’Reilly is deep trouble. It seems as if he has been part of a major scandal involving inappropriate relations. The short summary of the situation would be- a man’s place of employment paid several women in return for them not to leak his awful, sexual doings.

Photo from:

In this particular post, there is major significance. It happens to be the conclusion of this fabulous account, along with a great interview. The individual getting questioned goes by the name of Mathew Singleton. This long time friend of mine has differing views of this situation than I do. He happens to be within the Texas A&M Class of 2020, and is majoring in accounting.

Let’s see what he has to say:

Why do you think Fox News had paid these women to protect a guilty employees?

It’s simple. Bill O’Reilly happens to bring in a lot of revenue to the media source of Fox. Him being taken away only endangers the hit show/channels’ viewers and subscribers.

Bill had been outwardly rude and harassed women in a sexual manner throughout his time on television and radio. It happened to act this way towards his female coworkers. Why do you think no one ever caught on to this? Or if they did, why wouldn’t they have done anything?

Like said before, it might have been a loyalty to the show. Without this man, Fox would not have been as successful as it was.

Strange enough, President Donald Trump supports this man. He had said how nothing O’Reilly had done was wrong. What might be up with that?

Being within the Fox News channel, it has very conservative and/or republican views. Of course President Trump would talk nicely about one of the very few television personalities who respects him. It might not be completely logical, but in their twisted minds- it is.

BMW, Hyundai, Jenny Craig, and much more pulled their advertisements from the O’Reilly Factor. Why might this be?

Because of the bad press, there is obviously a negative sound to the once, hit show. The companies’ names were associated considering they used to support the show. That being said, they do not want their name to be drug through the mud due to someone else’s stupid mistakes.

April 11th, O’Reilly admits that he had a pre-planned vacation to attend to. Is that factual? I’m unsure. The issue being- the man had been fired eight days later. After all of the bad press, why wouldn’t the man had been fired any sooner? 

He had been such a great hit and was a big part of the channel. I believe it might be because of the thought of the man reinventing himself. They might have thought he could have be what he once was.

Rah Rah Reagan

The Iran-Contra Affair consists of Ronald Reagan selling weapons to Iran. This was in order to get 6 United States hostages released in Lebanon. This illegal act had ruined a portion of his campaign, but was done for all of the right reasons. He had been a much respected president, until the operation had been illegally funded.

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Image from: BBC

IRS… Oh No.

According to, the Internal Revenue Service has gone beyond fraudulent. In the year 2014, over 100,000 employees failed to pay their taxes. This resulted in the normal taxpayers, like you and me, making up for their share- which happened to be about $1.5 billion. Strange enough, these failing employees had kept their jobs, and weren’t even brought in for questioning. There happened to be a bill to go through the house that said government employees will be fired if they fail to pay taxes. Sadly, the bill did not pass.

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Image from: twittter

At this point in the semester, if you’ve been keeping up with my posts, you should know what my opinion is- everyone needs to be fired or in jail.

IRS in Time: Lerner Should Have Learned (Interview)

This interview will be conducted with a close peer, Sara McCabe. She is a freshman at Texas A&M University, majoring in Biomedical Science, and is very familiar with politics and the political system. She enjoys scrolling through various news sites such as CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and Politico. Sara makes it very obvious that she likes seeing specific issues from both sides of the spectrum, liberals and conservatives.

Today, I will be asking McCabe about her thoughts on the IRS timeline. She has plenty of strong opinions, so be prepared.

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Photo from: Political Media Review

If you could, tell me what you think in regards to the Internal Revenue Service.

I believe this system is useful in the matter of being a government agency for collecting taxes from just about everyone across the United States. At times, it seems more corrupt thane ever, which is quite startling.

Lois Lerner had seemed to be the source of a great deal of issues when talking about the IRS up until the year 2013. Thoughts?

With any job, there is an abundance of stress to tag along. I supported this woman because she was strong and caring for the people of this great nation. She got caught in a bit of controversy, which happened to be too much to handle. Whether she was guilty or not, the FBI did not have any straight facts when saying she “targeted certain conservative groups”.

In March of 2013, the IRS was required to cut workers due to budget cuts. Why do you think the rates of this agency are constantly changing?

Honestly, I believe this is due to the inconsistency of jobs and amount of audits. I had read somewhere, with the changing/quitting of jobs, this raises the eyebrow of the IRS- causing them to look into peoples’ personal accounts. The amount of audits seems to change quite often. I do not understand how the corporation is able to choose who and how many people receive audits.

In May 2013, a scandal had occurred. Are you aware of what this had been?

Yes, indeed. At a certain conference or gathering, Lerner had actually admitted to the wrong doings during her management time with the IRS. She had began to apologize for everything. After that had been said, the FBI began to investigate. Once that had started, the woman stepped down from the second IRS position she had been offered. Soon after, in front of the House Oversight Committee, Lois Lerner had told how she was innocent and no such thing had ever been said or done. This was all an obvious sign of guilt.

What do you think about Montgomery, Alabama? (Interview)

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Photo from: Caffeinated Politics

Being interviewed is my longtime coworker, Sara Moore. She is 19 years old, attends Texas State University in San Marcos, and is majoring in sports management. I’ll be asking her what she knows, believes, and thinks about the oh so recent Robert Bentley scandal.

Well, first off, what do you know about Robert Bentley?

Not much. Just that he was involved in a inappropriate sex scandal. I found out from the news notification that came up on my cell phone. If you could explain or give more information, that would be great.

*gives background as to what happened.

Why do you believe he resigned?

More than likely, he was embarrassed of the situation. Without a doubt, he was getting some awful publicity- which resulted in the end of his career.

He had also used the contributions of his campaign on personal use. How do you feel that this has effected him?

I believe this has harmed him in more ways than one. For taking the donations of others and spending it on various personal things, he is nowhere near being trustworthy. Without this specific quality, he will always carry the bad reviews/publicity. This will be with him for the rest of his life, whether he tries for another job or political position.

At the State Capitol, Ex-Governor Robert Bentley had said, “I have decided it is time for me to step down as Alabama’s governor.” Why do you believe he had said this without mentioning why?

It seems as if he did not mention why or what happened in order to keep his dignity. If Bentley had said, “I am doing this because I got caught in the scandalous act”, the consequences would not be positive. The media would have a definite field day- probably more than they already are.

Like we had said before, Bentley broke several laws and was the subject of many investigations. What consequences do you think he might or should receive?

Breaking the law is beyond punishable. This man deserves to receive jail time. Just because he happened to be a governor does not mean that he should receive special treatment.

Why do you think there is not as much coverage on Ms. Mason, the alleged mistress, rather than Bentley?

I feel this is due to his “fame” as governor. He is in the spotlight the majority of the time. For him to do wrong is a much bigger deal than a more common person.

Johnson was a Joke of the 1820s

Richard Johnson was seemingly brave at this point in time. In this age, as the senator, he had an African American wife. He had kept this certain female slave as his common law wife. At the time, this was beyond inappropriate.

This man understood that he was definitely the only person to be with a black woman. Eventually, she became his slave again- all due to the opinions of others.

Photo from:

Pope Seeking Forgiveness….?

According to the Huffington Post, Pope Francis is asking for the forgiveness of all individuals affected by sexual abuse. Sadly, several of the staff members relating to this issue are guilty and/or are victims of this horrific crime. The ideas given happen to be based on a book Daniel Pittet. It has many priests and catholic, church-going people upset- all due to hypocritical acts upon this issue.

photo from: Wikipedia

False Voting in Florida

In the year 2000, a recount in the presidential election votes was a must. Unlike most of my other blog posts, this will not be dealing with inappropriate relations, nor shady dealings. Although this is very similar and has everything to do with controversy, which makes it as relevant as can be.

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Photo from:

Like mentioned before, if you remember, the 2000 election had been a toss up between George W. Bush and Al Gore. The U.S. Supreme Court had stopped a recount, which was strange enough. They did this considering the Florida Supreme Court had been the one to rule the recount. This had given Bush the power to win the electoral college and a victory as president.

Awfulness in Alabama

The governor in Alabama, Robert Bentley, has made some horrifying social decisions- which has resulted in the effort of resigning. Unlike most past-oriented posts, this took place yesterday. It is also seemingly different in an abundance of other ways. First and foremost, his scandal was sexual, but also  was related to several criminal investigations.

Photo from

If I had to guess, the actual investigation is what forced the resignation. The inappropriate, sexual relations happened to just be icing on the scandalous cake.

Cleveland Craziness

According to the daily beast, Cleveland had been one of the only presidents to serve two nonconsecutive terms. This might be seen as a reason to be entitled to a bit of fame, but moreover, he had been in the midst of a sexual scandal.

At this point in time, I feel that it is a tradition for every president to have inappropriate relations at some point during their political career.

That being said, he continued to have a secret life in the midst. Grover Cleveland for sexual assault from the woman by the name of Maria Halpin. This resulted in the birth of an illegitimate child. From what is understood, the man took the woman on a date, brought her back to her room, and then raped her. A good 6 weeks later, Halpin found out that she was pregnant. The baby boy had been born in the year 1874, and by the orders of the president, he was put into an orphanage, while the mother and victim was put into a mental health hospital. She had been quickly released considering she was not the crazy one. Along with that, it came out that she was a drunk and came onto Cleveland.

After hearing about another political scandal, I believe that it’s mandatory for each president to behave in this fashion.

Photo from: Presidential Campaign Rhetoric on Word Press

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